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Revision as of 20:49, 10 March 2024 by Vendicated (talk | contribs)
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ReviewDB is a plugin made by User:Mantikafasi. It allows people to review other Discord users.


ReviewDB is available on the following client mods:

ReviewDB also has a Twitter version.

The only actively maintained version is the Vencord one. It includes modern features like blocking and review deleting.


With ReviewDB, you can review Discord users and bots. By default, anyone can review you. You can opt-out from ReviewDB via the ReviewDB dashboard. You can report reviews on any profile, by pressing the flag icon next to each review. This will send it to the administrators, who may then delete it and ban the user for anywhere between 1 day and 1 month.

On Vencord, you can also delete reviews from your own profile, and block users from reviewing you, directly on your user reviews page.

Vencord removal

On Oct 8, 2023, ReviewDB was removed from Vencord by User:Vendicated with commit 390987e because of abuse and harassment.

At the time, User:Mantikafasi had no interest into adding own review deletion after User:Vendicated suggested it to him.

Mantikafasi then made his own Vencord fork called VencordPlus, that came with ReviewDB. However, only a few people used it (Manti and his imaginary friends)

On Jan 14, 2024, Mantikafasi decided to add own review deletion and blocking up to 50 users, which convinced Vee to bring it back to Vencord.


  • As of March 10, 2024, the ReviewDB website is blacklisted by Avast.
  • On March 8, 2024, the server that was hosting the ReviewDB dashboard was deleted by its provider Oracle which caused a two day outage of it. The dashboard was subsequently moved to Cloudflare Pages.
  • Around early February, mantikafasi experimented with letting an AI bot named "Rule Creator", powered by Google Gemini review users. As one might imagine, this did not go well, and the bot was automatically banned from ReviewDB by its automatic slur filters.