
From Discord Client Modding Wiki
Revision as of 14:58, 28 March 2024 by Nin0 (talk | contribs) (added fork info)
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Vendroid is a 3rd-party Android client made by Vendicated. It loads the Discord mobile website and injects Vencord in it.

Screenshot of Vendroid with the BasicBackground theme
ActiveNovember 2022 - present (on hold)
Lead DeveloperVendicated
LicenseGNU General Public License v3.0
LanguagesJava, Javascript


Vee originally made this as a proof of concept, with no intention of developing it further. Over time, some contributors helped make the app better.

Regardless of that, it's better to just use mobile mods like Vendetta or Aliucord.

Non-functional features

As Vendroid is based on the mobile web client, some features aren't available.

  • Voice/video chat
  • Slash commands (only the older default ones work, as Discord forces the mobile web client to use legacy chat input)
  • Purchases

Semi-functional features

Some features work in a limited manner.

  • Forum channels (can't preview posts)
  • Role management (can reorganize roles, can't set permissions)
  • Saving some server settings, like AutoMod (you have to put your phone in landscape mode)


To solve these problems, User:Nin0 and User:Sqaaakoi have made 2 different Vendroid forks.

  • VendroidEnhanced/Vendroid, currently developed by User:Nin0. This fork mostly focuses on adding new features, such as a new splashscreen, and in the future, push notifications and rich presence. It also loads a fork of Vencord with a new VendroidEnhancements plugin, designed to enable and improve missing features.
  • Sqaaakoi/Vendroid, which currently focuses on patching and improving missing features. The patches in the former fork come from Sqaaakoi. Unlike VendroidEnhanced, this fork does not load a Vencord fork, and insteads injects patches directly in the app.