Pomelo massban incident

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On Tuesday, 9 May 2023, several Discord users were simultaneously banned. Users who were banned lost access to their accounts and were unable to log back in. Shortly after the incident, a Reddit post was created on the r/discord subreddit. Discord staff u/coral-discord informed people that they were investigating the situation and asked affected users for their usernames. Within hours, the issue was resolved, and affected users were able to log back into their accounts after resetting their passwords.


Although the original reason is now known, people from the community started theorising about it in relation to Discord's new username change (Pomelo). This change removed discriminators from usernames, making it impossible to have the same username as any other user. As the feature was slowly being rolled out to users, some users wanted to check if their usernames had been taken. To do this, they made an HTTP request to the Discord Pomelo endpoint.

The reason for this banning wave is believed to be users manually sending an HTTP request to the Pomelo endpoint with missing headers.