
Revision as of 12:17, 27 March 2024 by Tr0ll (talk | contribs) (Added hyperlinks and added some text indicating that vbam got removed smth.)

Venbot, originally called Vaius, is a custom Discord bot made by Vendicated using the Oceanic library to manage the Vencord Discord server.

Venbot's profile


Vencord server members hating on Gaius after it was added

Originally, Vaius was meant to be a Gaius replacement because everyone hated Gaius.

Vee decided to take matters into their own hands and made their bot: Vaius.

At some point in history, the bot was renamed to venbot :3.

Back in the old days, you could ban yourself using a Venbot command. However, this feature was removed with the rise of people DMing Vee about wanting an unban from banning themselves.


  • vban (yeet, 🍌): Banning people and DMing them when this is done
  • vbam: Send the ban confirm message : This command was removed [1]
  • veval (e, $): Owner only, allows to run arbitrary code on the bot
  • vfaq (f): Send FAQ articles
  • vrole-add (+, ra, ar): Add a role to someone
  • vrole-remove (-, rr): Remove a role from someone
  • vnotsupport (ns, nots): Generates a dynamic image with the current channel name and the channel where the user should go (usually support).
  • vprune (purge, clear, delete): Purge messages from a channel.
  • vsource-code (source): View the Venbot source code on Codeburger
  • vsupport (s): Tags that can be useful in the support channel


Venbot also has some automod capabilities, usually hooking into Discord's AutoMod.

  • Automatically rename hoisted names to "lame username (change it)"
  • Automatically normalize usernames that use "fancy" Unicode letters (🆃🅴🆇🆃 -> text)
  • Timeout people who send discord invites that are not whitelisted
  • Timeout people sending screenshots of automodded messages
  • Auto-delete messages containing some image hosts[2] that employ offensive domains or annoying embeds.
  • Automatically ban users who ping @everyone with an invite. These are spam/scam bots.


It is difficult to self-host Venbot since it was made specifically for the Vencord server, and most IDs are hard-coded.
