EndPwn (stylized as ΣndPwn) was a client mod created by justquant (later known as dr1ft). It was installed using exploits that changed the client's web app endpoint to the mod's loader page; later, the updater endpoint was used instead.

Unofficial EndPwn logo created for the EndPwn archive
Active2017 - 2018
Platform(s)Desktop, Web
Lead developer(s)justquant/dr1ft, BlockBuilder57, twilight-sparkle-irl, User:Cynosphere
RepositoryEndPwnArchive organization
License(s)MIT, WTFPL


EndPwn originally started as spyware due to trust issues justquant had. It was later turned into a general-purpose client mod.


EndPwn2 was the first public version of EndPwn. Unlike other client mods, it offered a defined set of features with minimal extensibility, such as a default theme. It used DOM manipulation to make modifications, Webpack searching to pull various functions, and BeautifulDiscord as a base to load CSS.


Cynergy was a fork of EndPwn2 by User:Cynosphere that was nothing but a rebrand with a demoscene-esque injection screen and no default theme. It was functionally identical to EndPwn2.


bootsyhax was a fork by twilight-sparkle-irl. It has been lost to time, and the only mentions of it are in EndPwn3's code as attributions.


EndPwn3 was a complete rewrite of EndPwn that introduced a plugin system and find-and-replace patching of Discord's code. It also replaced the old asarpwn method with the new bspwn method, which scraped Discord client updates, patched them, and distributed the patched versions via the client's updater endpoint.


Lambda was a fork and continuation of EndPwn3 by User:Cynosphere. It was hastily discontinued out of paranoia after someone asked about it in concern towards Discord on Twitter, as Discord's stance on client mods wasn't known then.

There were plans to make Lambda a standalone mod at one point.


dr1ft disappeared from the internet, taking EndPwn's GitHub organization down. All archived material has been found from forks on GitHub.

toonlink is the current holder of the EndPwn organization name on GitHub.