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Revision as of 17:30, 27 March 2024 by Vendicated (talk | contribs)
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Message Loggers are plugins that allow users to view deleted & edited Discord messages.


This is how deleted messages look like
This is how deleted messages look like

Message loggers allow users to see:

  • Recently deleted messages. A red text indicates the deleted messages.
  • Recently edited messages. A gray text indicates the edited message.

Versions (selection)


This is how Edited Messages looks like
This is how Edited Messages lo

Use of MessageLoggers is very controversial in the community, with multiple client mods such as BetterDiscord and Powercord banning them outright.

Commonly stated reasons are that they "violate user privacy" and "Discord's privacy policy and API terms"[1], with multiple sources claiming usage of loggers poses a risk to your account.

However, there are no documented cases of users getting banned for just using loggers and such plugins still see wide usage across clientmods.

Furthermore, Discord's Developer terms of service only apply to "access to and use of the [Discord] APIs"[2]. Since logger plugins function entirely offline, these terms can't really be applied to them.


  1. "BetterDiscord FAQ point 11".
  2. "Discord Developer Terms of Service".