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Revision as of 09:41, 9 March 2024 by Mantikafasi (talk | contribs) (Add categories)
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Themer[1] is a XPosed module for Old Discord Android Client that allowed people to customize the app's theme as they wanted.

After module's release #themes channel has been opened in Aliucord server to allow people share themes they made.

A screenshot from Themer plugin

The Plugin

When Aliucord switched from smali patching to monkey patching, the module has been rewritten by User:Vendicated to new plugin system. This way even people who didnt have root was able to use it.

This rewrite also included new features that didnt exist in old themer.

New Features

  • Ability to change transparency mode
  • Custom Sounds (pull requested[2] by HalalKing)
  • Custom Fonts


TODO [Vendicated needed]

  1. "XPosed Module Source".
  2. "Custom Sounds pull request".