
From Discord Client Modding Wiki
Revision as of 03:26, 11 March 2024 by Wing (talk | contribs) (Added social links)
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My avatar, drawn by me :)
BirthdayMay 29th, 2003 (Age 20)
Programming LanguagesKotlin, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript
ToolsJetpack Compose, Express, Android Studio/IntelliJ, VSCode, CSS, SCSS
Fediverse@[email protected]

I like to do a little programming (mostly in Kotlin these days)


Name Description Language Released
Achievements Added basic achievements Java No
BetterChannelIcons Adds more options for channel icons Kotlin Yes
BetterChatbox Adds several options for customizing the chatbox Java Yes
CustomBadges Adds the ability to add custom client side badges to any user Java Yes
DN Just adds the /deez command Java Yes
Discovery Ports server discovery over from desktop Java Yes
FavoriteMessages Allows users to save messages to be viewed later Java Yes
FriendNicknames Adds the ability to set custom nicknames for any user (client side only as this predates the official feature) Java Yes
GuildProfiles Adds the ability to view additional server information Java Yes
HideCallButtons Hides the call buttons in the user profile sheet Java Yes
KeywordAlerts Display alerts when messages with a user defined keyword are sent Java Yes
MessageLinkContext Adds an option to copy a message link in the message context menu Java Yes
MoreHighlight Adds more text highlighting options for messages Java Yes
RCM (RoleContextMenu) Adds a context menu for when a role is clicked Java Yes
Sessions Allows people to view and manage their login sessions Kotlin Yes
ShowPerms Adds options to view the permissions a user has Java Yes
TwemojiEverywhere Renders Twemoji in more places Java Yes
UserTags Set custom bot tags for users Java Yes
ViewServerAsRole Ports over the ability to preview a server as a given role Java Yes
WebViewCord Replaces the client with a WebView containing the web version of Discord Java No


Current projects
Name Description Type Stars (Approx.)
Gloom Material You GitHub android client built with Jetpack Compose Android app 500
Syntakts Frontend-agnostic AST processing and markdown rendering library KMP library 10
Aliucord plugins Collection of my own Aliucord plugins Plugin 25
fediapi Library for seemlessly interacting with various fediverse apis KMP library 1